If you find the field of social work to be interesting and want to pursue a career in this sector, you may have asked yourself, “How can I become a social worker?” Below you will find detailed, specific information regarding this question that can help you begin pursuing and accomplishing your vocational goals.
Becoming A Social Worker – Educational Requirements
If you are interested in becoming a social worker, you should know that you will need a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in order to do so. Typically, the most pragmatic major to select would be social work (BSW). However, employers will often accept a degree in another relevant field such as sociology or psychology. Generally, it will take the student about four years to complete his or her degree program. Some of the courses students can expect to complete if they opt to enroll in the BSW program will include:
- Introduction to Social Welfare and Human Services
- Social Work Practice in Research
- Principles and Practice in Social Work
- Issues In Social Welfare
- Human Behavior Theory
- Statistics For Social Work Research
Pursuing Higher Education
While individuals who want to become social workers can do so by obtaining a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, it is oftentimes advantageous to earn more education, such as a master’s degree. Earning a master’s degree can be advantageous for many reasons, including the fact that it is required if you want to offer therapy services. Typically, a master’s program will take two years to complete. Individuals who opt to earn the master’s will generally take more advanced courses that place primacy on their specific areas of interest. Some MSW courses that you can expect to take will include:
- Practice in Home and Community Settings with Older Adults
- Social Work With Children and Adolescents
- Child Abuse and Neglect
Other Considerations
Individuals who are interested in pursuing a career as a social worker should note that making oneself the most marketable job candidate possible is a good idea. In addition to facilitating speedy employment, becoming a marketable job candidate can help you advance professionally by shortening the time span required for you to attain a job and the work experience that results from it. In recognizing this principle, you should note that there are many things you can do to increase the likelihood that an employer will view your application favorably. One such thing is the completion of an internship. Internships are valuable for many reasons, particularly the fact that they provide the participant with hands-on, in-depth experience that will prepare him or her to work within the chosen sector. Additionally, completing an internship is often the vehicle through which individuals obtain employment given that they may be hired by a business owner who views the intern’s work during the internship as sufficient evidence that she or he can perform job tasks with expedience and excellence.
Expected Salary
According to Indeed, social workers can expect to earn about $51,000 annually.
Related Resource: Substance Abuse Counselor
If you have given thought to becoming a social worker, you should know that doing so can afford you several personal and professional rewards. Now that you know how to become a social worker, you can begin working towards meeting the educational requirements to do so.