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The editors at Best Masters in Counseling decided to research the topic of: Suicide Notes: Current Rates and Suicide Through the AgesSUICIDE NOWGlobal Suicides- 1 million people die from suicide worldwide every year. That translates to 16 per 100,000 or 1 death every 40 seconds. - 1 suicides occurs every 2 minutes in China, accounting for nearly a third of the global suicides with 250,000 - 300,000 suicides a year. - Country - suicide rate - population - suicides - male/female rate - Greenland - 108.1 - 56,370 - 61 - 164.9/43.9 - South Korea - 31.7 - 50,004,441 - 15,851 - 39.9/22.1 - Lithuania - 31.6 - 2,972,949 - 939 - 61.3/10.4 - Guyana - 26.4 - 752,940 - 199 - 39.0/13.4 - Kazakhstan - 25.6 - 16,911,900 - 4,329 - 43.0/9.4 - Belarus - 22.9 - 9,457,500 - 2,166 - 48.7/8.8 - China - 22.23 - 1,353,821,000 - 300,954 - 20.1/26.3 - Slovenia - 21.8 - 2,055,496 - 448 - 22.3/3.4 - Hungary - 21.7 - 9,942,000 - 2,157 - 40.0/10.6 - Japan - 21.7 - 126,659,683 - 27,485 - 36.2/13.2 - US - 12 - 311,591,917 - 37,391 - 17.7/4.5 - America ranks #33 with a 12/100,000 suicide rate American Suicides- Suicide was ranked as the 10th leading cause of death among persons ages 10 years+. - It accounts for 38,364 deaths or 1 suicide every 13 minutes Suicide rate by sex and age- age: both sexes - male - female - 10-24: 7.21 - 11.45 - 2.76 - 25-64: 16.25 - 25.37 - 7.35 - 65>: 14.8 - 29.05 - 4.04 Suicide rate by sex and race- race: male - female - Native Indian/Alaskan: 27.6 - 7.9 - White: 26 - 6.7 - Hispanic: 12.3 - 2.4 - Black: 11 - 2 - Asian/PI: 9.5 - 4 Suicide rate by sex, age and race- Method: 10-24 / 25-64 / 65+ - ..............male - female / male - female / male - female - Firearm: 49.7 - 25.5 / 51.9 - 30.5 / 79.1 - 35 - Suffocation: 36.5 - 48.5 / 25 - 17.4 / 8.8 - 16.5 - Poison: 5.8 - 18 / 15 - 42.8 / 6.8 - 36.1 - 33.3% tested positive for alcohol - 23% tested positive for anti-depressants - 20.8 tested positive for opiates - 37,000 Americans commit suicide every year. - For every 1 female that commits suicide, there are 4 men who commit suicide SUICIDE THEN- Only recently has suicide come to be viewed as a mental health issue. it used to be viewed as sinful, criminal, personal or even courageous. - In most early civilizations, suicide was not seen as a crime or a sin. - In fact, it was seen as a legitimate way to: - - escape a miserable existence - - release loved ones from the burden of caregiving - - avoid shame or regain dignity from shame - Colonial America - The colonies looked to the common law of England and to the bible for their stance on suicide; so not only was it a sin (worthy of hell) but also a crime. - "self-murder" resulted in the property and possessions of the "criminal" being seized, often leaving their family helpless. - Medieval: by 1178, the word suicida had been coined and attitudes towards suicide were that it should be a private matter, politely concealed. But, if it were believed that someone had "self-killed", they would drag the corpse through the city and burn it. - Ancient Egypt: Suicide did not violate the legal code. it was a just way to end physical or emotional suffering. - Ancient Greece: The stoics, cynics, and some epicureans believed in the natural right of the individual to perform suicide. - Ancient Japan: Samurai warriors preferred death over capture. if defeated or outnumbered, he would perform seppuku, belly cutting, to keep his honor intact. This mindset translates to the kamikaze pilots of WWII. - Rome: Courage and dignity were of utmost importance to roman nobility. if a person's life was tarnished with a shameful act, suicide was a way to regain some of the dignity lost. SUICIDE HELP- National Hopeline Network (800) SUICIDE - National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-TALK (8255) - National Youth Crisis Hotline (800) 442-HOPE (4673) SOURCES- www.crouchfoundation.org/history-of-suicide.html - www.suite101.com/article/act-of-suicide-and-shame-and-disgrace-in-ancient-rome-and-japan-a327811 - www.history.ac.uk/reviews/review/75 - www.uta.edu/philosophy/faculty/burgess-jackson/001%20The%20Legal%20Status%20of%20Suicide%20in%20Early%20America.pdf - www.who.int/mental_health/prevention/suicide/suicideprevent/en/ - www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/suicide/statistics/aag.html - www.webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/latergreeks.html - www.museevirtuel-virtualmuseum.ca/edu/ViewLoitDa.do?method=preview&lang=EN&id=501 - www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/people/suicide.htm - www.medievalists.net/2011/09/01/seven-shillings-and-a-penny-female-suicide-in-late-medieval-england/ - www.iasp.info/pdf/papers/Bertolote.pdf - www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate - www.who.int/mental_health/prevention/suicide_rates/en/index.html - www.biomedcentral.com/1471-244X/9/20 - www.besjournal.com/freeArticles/pastIssues/2005/No6/200701/P0200701127005471468546320051863758.pdf - www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/Suicide_DataSheet-a.pdf ![]() |